What Is DAKS™?
C&C Reservoirs’ Digital Analogue Knowledge System (DAKS™) is a secure, cloud-based, asset-centered, knowledge platform designed to improve decision quality and drive value throughout the E&P lifecycle. DAKS™ leverages user’s expertise on their own E&P assets with knowledge derived from global analogues. This knowledge can be described as ‘collective human intelligence’ and represents systematic documentation of the world’s most important fields and reservoirs and allows analysis of best practices and lessons learned from more than 150 years of global E&P activity.
How Can DAKS™ Help?
DAKS™ provides the opportunity for teams to gather, analyse and benchmark insights and intelligence from global analogues. Analogue benchmarking reduces uncertainty and provides context for critical decisions – improving decision quality during all phases of the E&P lifecycle.

DAKS™ Key Features
Reservoir Evaluation Reports (RER)
C&C Reservoirs’ ‘Reservoir Evaluation Reports’ (RERs) provide in-depth analysis and systematic documentation of the world’s most important fields and reservoirs. These account for more than 70% of global conventional recoverable reserves and demonstrate the best practices and lessons learned from more than 150 years of global E&P activity. Each reservoir case study details how and why a prospect was drilled, and provides detailed descriptions of critical petroleum system elements, including structure and trap definition, reservoir characteristics and fluid properties. RERs also document resources, recovery and factors determining recovery, including development strategy, production history, reservoir management and improved recovery techniques applied and their outcomes.
Basin Synopsis Reports
C&C Reservoirs’ Basin Synopses describe the present-day configuration of each basin under C&C Reservoirs’ basin name parameter and summarize its tectonic and stratigraphic evolution. BSRs also provide key source rock characteristics in terms of organic richness, maturation and migration.
Each Basin Synopsis Report includes:
- Overall nature of basin
- Key events in basin evolution
- Stratigraphic/structural evolution of basin
- Source rock information
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Reports
C&C Reservoirs’ ‘EOR Evaluation Reports’ focus on enhanced oil recovery methods deployed during a field’s production history. Each EOR report includes feasibility studies, scale of application and project results, as well as detailed descriptions of injected fluid properties, production performance and incremental recovery. Isolating and clearly documenting the impact of individual EOR methods on production performance allows applicable analogues to be benchmarked against a user’s own projects.
DAKS™ Tools
The cloud-based knowledge platform contains a robust search engine, the capability to capture knowledge on user’s own E&P assets and a powerful set of characterization, benchmarking, production performance and portfolio ranking tools. Users can extend the DAKS™ data model by adding and defining attributes to their own specifications.

Pioneering Classification Scheme
To appropriately compare fields and reservoirs globally, it is a fundamental requirement that standardized definitions and terminology are used, and a consistent classification scheme is applied to both public domain and proprietary data sets. Within DAKS™, each geological and reservoir engineering parameter has been classified through exhaustive research. Our research process results in rigorous validation of individual Reservoir Evaluation & EOR Reports, and cross-checking by some of the world’s most experienced geoscientists and reservoir engineers.
Global Analogue Knowledge Base
DAKS™ contains a comprehensive data model, with hundreds of geological and reservoir engineering parameters, at both reservoir and field level. The analogue information from our research is consistently populated into the DAKS™ data model, and codified into a coherent global knowledge base that is frequently updated. The data within DAKS™ includes information from every significant petroleum basin, play and reservoir type, development scenario, production challenge, and IOR/EOR method around the world.

DAKS™ EOR Module
Designed to optimize the screening of EOR methods to maximize recovery, the DAKS™ Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Module provides complete documentation on EOR methods proven to be effective in improving field production performance. Through the identification of applicable global analogues our users can understand key risks and uncertainties, identify the most appropriate methods for their assets, and address common industry challenges encountered when conducting EOR.