C&C Reservoirs have just released 20 new in-depth EOR Reports from around the globe. These reports are now available within the DAKS EOR Module.

Highlights include:

Black Creek Field A Pool Center Project (Canada) – Alkaline-Polymer (AP) Flood
Both technically and economically successful of the 22.6 °API oil by incremental recovery of 21.1%, with the chemical cost at $3.71/BO.

Huntington Beach Field Offshore Lease PRC 392.1 (USA) – Cyclic Steam Injection
Successful cyclic steam injection of the 13.5 °API oil in offshore field, attributed to incremental recovery of 34%, giving an impressive steam utilization of 0.27 BS-CWE/BO.

Northeast Purdy Field Field-Wide Application (USA) – CO₂ WAG Miscible Flood
Successfully rejuvenated field production with an expected incremental recovery of 7.5% and gross and net CO₂ utilization of 7-10 MCF/BO and 4.6 MCF/BO, respectively.

Zhenglizhuang Field FAN142-7-X4 Well Group Pilot (China) – CO₂ Miscible Flood
Low porosity, low permeability reservoir with weak natural energy, achieving cumulative CO₂ utilization of 11.6 MCF/BO, expecting to obtain incremental recovery by 6.2%.

C&C Reservoirs’ EOR reports provide complete documentation on the EOR methods proven to be effective in improving field production performance, recording the lessons learned and best practices within the context of EOR over the lifespan of a field or reservoir.

Inside the DAKS EOR Module

The DAKS™ EOR Module has been designed to optimise the screening of enhanced oil recovery processes to maximise recovery. The knowledge contained in the EOR Module addresses some of the common industry challenges related to using EOR techniques. Through the identification of applicable global analogues and best practices, our users can discover the most appropriate technique for their assets and understand the key risks or uncertainties involved.

Don’t have access to the DAKS EOR Module? Learn more about DAKS here or Contact us today to find out how the DAKS EOR Module can help you achieve more from your existing assets.

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