Our first content release for DAKS™ 6.0 is now available. This includes 70 Field Evaluation Reports and covers 90 reservoirs from across the globe.
Highlights include:
North Buzachi (Kazakhstan) – Shallow, giant, viscous-oil reservoir, in high-perm fluvial sandstones. Steam injection proved uneconomic, and recovery was enhanced mainly by hot waterflooding and infill drilling, augmented by pilot cyclic water-injection and polymer floods.
Belayim Land (Egypt) – Mature, multi-reservoir field straddling the Gulf of Suez coast. Rapid production decline has been reversed by a variety of measures including horizontal drilling, short-radius laterals, artificial lift, hydraulic fracturing and peripheral water injection.
Alma (UK) – Rejuvenated after a second ‘abandonment’, using high-angle wells guided by 3-D seismic, production of light oil from this Upper Paleozoic faulted horst-block finally ceased in 2020.
Eldfisk (Norway) – Having come onstream in 1979, the south of this light-oil accumulation has recently undergone intensive redevelopment with 39 new wells in the fractured chalk reservoir, mainly horizontal producers, supported by nine horizontal water injectors.
Marlim (Brazil) – Development of this stratigraphically trapped Tertiary turbidite reservoir was largely by horizontal producers with sand-control completions and water injectors. Declining production has led recently to revitalization planning involving drilling of 82 new wells.
Bayu Undan (Timor-Leste) – Retrograde gas-condensate in a shallow-marine/deltaic reservoir produced through big-bore wells, with all produced lean gas initially being reinjected. Plateau production has been maintained by infill drilling campaigns, the most recent in 2021.
Updated/rewritten reports:
All the reports included in this release were chosen for updating due to the publication of significant new engineering information, new production data, new reserve/resource information and/or revised geological models. This update includes a wide global spread of reports, including: 31 from North America, 17 from Europe, 10 from Asia-Pacific, 5 from Latin America, 5 from the Middle East, 1 from Russia and Caspian Sea, and 1 from Africa.