C&C Reservoirs first content release of 2022 is now available in DAKS. This includes 45 Reservoir Evaluation Reports and 100 Basin Synopsis Reports.
Highlights include:
Carapeba (Brazil) – Restarted after shut-in from 2020 to mid-2021 owing to high water-cut, production from the Cretaceous turbidite sandstones is assisted by water injection and use of intelligent well completions.
Covenant (USA) – Lower Jurassic aeolian-dune sandstone reservoir with high N:G, but fault-compartmentalized, producing low-GOR oil under strong aquifer drive.
Dineh-bi-Keyah (USA) – Development of oil from this fractured igneous syenite sill was by acidization, fracking and reperforation. Infill drilling was ineffective and the focus of production shifted to helium in 2014.
Sawan (Pakistan) – Mature HPHT sour-gas field in shallow-marine sandstones, affected by formation damage, sand production and metal corrosion, and requiring hydraulic fracturing and well workovers to maintain commercial flows.
Titas Field (Bangladesh) – As the largest gas field in Bangladesh with GIIP of 11.5 TCF, production has increased steadily from the deltaic A Sands aided by step-out drilling, deviated wells and workovers.
Updated/rewritten reports:
All the reports included in this release were chosen for updating due to the publication of significant new engineering information, new production data, new reserve/resource information and/or revised geological models. This update includes a wide global spread of reports, including: 16 from Asia-Pacific, 16 from North America, 12 from Latin America, and 1 from Europe.