C&C Reservoirs newest content release is now available in DAKS! Including 50 Field Evaluation Reports covering 62 reservoirs from across the globe.
Highlights include:
Balal (Iran) – Highly faulted and fractured, but well-layered, Upper Jurassic dolomitic limestone reservoir. Peripheral water injection from the outset, and producers have monobore completions to facilitate future water shut-offs.
Su Tu Den (Vietnam) – Tight basement reservoir producing through fracture networks via horizontal and extended reach wells, partially supported by water injection, with recovery boosted by infill drilling.
Updated/rewritten reports:
The 50 reports released are dominantly clastic reservoirs, but with a significant minority being carbonate and two reservoirs comprising fractured basement or volcanic lithologies. The majority of the fields began production before 2000, and before 1990 in two-thirds of these cases. Thus, providing excellent case histories and in-depth lessons learned for benchmarking of recovery and production performance.
All reports have been chosen for updating due to the publication of significant new engineering information, new production data, new reserve/resource information and/or revised geological models. This update includes a wide global spread of reports, including: 18 from North America, 8 from Latin America, 8 from Asia-Pacific, 7 from Africa (of which 6 are Algerian), 4 from the Middle East, and 3 from Europe.