The first DAKS content release of new and updated Field Evaluation Reports for 2020 is now available in DAKS 4.0. This includes 5 new and 15 updated reports covering 34 reservoirs, with hundreds of additional parameters added to tables of parameters that can be leveraged for detailed insight using the analytical tools in DAKS.
Highlights include:
- Bradford (USA) – Giant oilfield, Pennsylvania-New York, with 140 years of production history from shallow, low-perm sandstone reservoir, fracced since the 1920s.
- Laggan-Tormore (UK) – Subsea gas-condensate development of two adjacent fields, West of Shetland, reservoired in Tertiary turbidites.
- Lawrence (USA) – Early example from the Illinois Basin of chemical EOR flooding of shallow, stacked shallow, clastic reservoirs, originally onstream in 1906.
- Pinghu (China) – Multiple, overpressured, oil and gas pools, East China Sea Basin, produced under strong aquifer drive since 1998 from fluvial, lacustrine and shallow-marine clastic reservoirs.
- Surmont (Canada) – Containing ~25 BBO of bitumen, this in-situ oil sands development has been in full production using SAGD since 2007.
Updated/Rewritten Reports:
- All the updated reports have been chosen for updating due to the publication of significant new engineering information, new production data, and/or revised geological models
- The updated/rewritten reports have been restructured, and revised throughout, with additional engineering and production information, and with hundreds of additional parameters added to the Table of Parameters
- Wide global spread of updated field report locations, including North America; Mauritania; Kazahkstan; Kuwait; and, China.