The new DAKS content release is here! Featuring 36 new and updated Field Evaluation Reports covering 52 reservoirs across the globe.
Highlights include:
Huizhou 21-1 & 26-1 (China) – A pair of adjacent offshore oilfields in China’s Pearl River Mouth Basin with stacked pools in shallow-marine Tertiary sands, produced under strong aquifer drive.
Auca & Lago Agrio (Ecuador) – Two large, conventional oilfields reservoired in Cretaceous Hollin and Napo fluvial, and shallow-marine sandstone reservoirs, developed in the 1970s, respectively with and without waterflooding
Samaria Neogene (Mexico) – A shallow bitumen and heavy oilfield, onshore SE Mexico, produced under natural drive since 1965 with cyclic steam injection boosting rates since 2009
Perla (Venezuela) – 17 TCF gas-condensate field offshore Venezuela, in an unfaulted, combination structural-stratigraphic trap, within a classic, laterally extensive, carbonate-ramp reservoir
Risha (Jordan) – A large but isolated and incompletely developed gasfield in patchily distributed, Ordovician glacial-outwash submarine-fan sandstones, fracced to enhance well rates
South Ratqa (Kuwait) – A supergiant deposit of heavy, viscous oil in high-porosity Miocene sandstones. Cyclic steam injection and continuous steamflooding have been successfully tested and the field is soon to come onstream
Updated/rewritten reports:
- All the updated reports have been chosen for updating due to the publication of significant new engineering information, new production data, and/or revised geological models
- The updated/rewritten reports have been restructured, and revised throughout, with additional engineering and production information, and with hundreds of additional parameters have been populated to the digital Table of Parameters knowledge base in DAKS.
- Wide global spread of updated field report locations, including: China, North America, South America, Middle East, and more.