C&C Reservoirs recently conducted a three-day workshop for the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) focused on leveraging the power of global oil and gas analogues to enhance decision-making in exploration, development, and production.
Bringing together a dynamic group of geoscientists, reservoir engineers, and decision-makers from ADNOC’s Thamama Centre of Excellence, Onshore, Offshore, Reserves Management, and EOR/CCS groups, the comprehensive 3-day workshop explored a range of critical topics aimed at demonstrating the value and benefits that can be added by leveraging global analogues found in DAKS™. Attendees were also introduced to C&C Reservoirs’ innovative analogue benchmarking methodology to evaluate exploration and development scenarios using real-world case studies. Through expert insights and practical examples, participants gained invaluable knowledge, equipping them with the tools to effectively incorporate analogue solutions in their decision-making process.
Whether appraising prospects or new discoveries, devising development plans, assessing reservoir management strategies, or undertaking economic evaluations, oil and gas professionals often start by relying on their own limited knowledge and experiences to help guide their decision-making. However, by tapping into global oil and gas analogues, they can expand the knowledge of both the individual and the team, sparking fresh and innovative ideas, and ensuring their decisions are grounded in reality.