Discover C&C Reservoirs
C&C Reservoirs provides Analogue Intelligence for upstream subsurface applications. Our product, the Digital Analogue Knowledge System (DAKS™), is a secure, cloud-based knowledge platform designed to improve decision quality and drive value across all phases of the E&P lifecycle.

The DAKS™ Advantage
C&C Reservoirs’ Digital Analogue Knowledge System (DAKS™) is a secure, cloud-based, asset-centered, knowledge platform designed to improve decision quality and drive value throughout the E&P lifecycle.
The knowledge contained within DAKS™ represents systematic documentation of the world’s most important oil and gas fields and reservoirs, allowing analysis of best practices and lessons learned from more than 150 years of global E&P activity.
DAKS™ Key Features
DAKS™ provides an all-in-one solution for benchmarking a user’s assets against global analogues. DAKS™ combines Reservoir Evaluation Reports (RER’s), Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) reports, powerful analytical and portfolio analysis tools, a holistic classification scheme and an expansive reservoir knowledge base. All delivered through a secure, cloud-based knowledge platform.
Trusted Provider of Analogue Intelligence
C&C Reservoirs has been a trusted provider of Analogue Intelligence since the mid-1990s. We work with companies around the globe including Super-majors, National Oil Companies, Government Agencies, and Independent Oil and Gas Companies.
News, Insights and Publications
The Estreito Field – Utilizing Continuous Steam Injection to Stimulate Low Pressure, Heavy Oil
The Estreito Field Located in the Potiguar Basin, onshore Brazil, the Estreito Field has faced significant production challenges despite its favourable reservoir properties, shallow depth, and strong ...
The Athabasca Oil Sands – Extracting the Largest Bitumen Deposit in the World
The Athabasca Oil Sands The Athabasca oil sands (Canada) ranks among the largest oil sand deposits in the world with the McMurray reservoir alone believed to have ...
ADNOC Workshop – The Use of Analogues to Improve Decision Quality in Exploration, Development and Production.
C&C Reservoirs recently conducted a three-day workshop for the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) focused on leveraging the power of global oil and gas analogues to enhance decision-making ...